
Our company

FLYN-YACHTING est une société créée à l’été 2020 après avoir reçu de nombreuses demandes d’assistance de professionnels du Yachting pris dans des litiges concernant les yachts qu’ils gèrent, tous relatifs à la navigation de ces yachts : statut fiscal, durée ou distances de navigation.

We have therefore devoted development time to fine-tune the algorithms, servers and databases for yacht location.

This phase enabled us to validate the processing chain from the acquisition of position data (yacht name and MMSI designator) to navigation data (route, stopover, zone crossing), location data (in what territorial sea, country, region, department is it and under what tax status) and, finally, the zone of activity (port, shipyard, anchorage) and the maritime regulations governing access to this zone (anchorage bans).

Our assets

To deliver high-end services, our team and our navigation experts are available to answer your needs.

In addition, we have many assets, reliable evidence, to allow you to ensure a safe trip:

  • Nous utilisons des technologies de localisation précises qui sont associées à des algorithmes de premier plan: nous attachons une importance cruciale à la fiabilité de nos produits notamment concernant la justesse des calculs géomatique effectués, par exemple le lieu et la date/heure d’entrée dans les eaux territoriales données). If an inaccuracy is found in the location of the yacht, it is reported in the report and, depending on the duration of the uncertainty concerned, an opinion is issued by FLYN-YACHTING on the overall validity of the certificate delivered.
  • Nos équipes ont une connaissance optimale des règlementations applicables en matière fiscale, légale, sociale, maritime et environnementale et en assurent une veille permanente afin d’appliquer la règlementation de façon précise ou demander plus de précisions.
  • The systematic intervention of expert drafters, ensures the delivery of a document personally verified by an expert, probative (therefore with value as evidence in a dispute), whose model complies with the requirements of the administrations concerned and guarantees your legal and tax security in the long term.
  • FLYN-YACHTING's suite of services and products does not replace your stakeholders, agents or tax representatives, it lightens their repetitive tasks and makes their document reference system relating to navigation and berthing of the yacht more reliable.

Our requirements

sTous les certificats délivrés par FLYN-YACHTING ou « produits » sont élaborés, vérifiés et contresignés par un expert en navigation.

Lorsque la seule observation AIS des mouvements du yacht ne suffit pas, FLYN-YACHTING, via le contrat de prestation, conditionne la bonne élaboration du produit aux déclarations de l’armateur ou de son capitaine, par exemple : type de contrat, nature commerciale ou non des escales, mouvements des passagers, compléments de navigation hors de portée AIS, etc.

It is up to the professional who ordered the product to ensure the adequacy of the yacht's situation - for instance it's tax situation, it's ability to carry out commercial navigations, it's previous year declaration or have it confirmed by the tax or customs expert of the shipowner or other yachting professionals. Except for some "real time" alert services, no FLYN-YACHTING product is automatic: there is always an expert behind.

Our team

Thierry Voisin

Thierry Voisin


 Thierry Voisin a été imprégré et a grandi au coeur de l’industrie du yachting dès son plus jeune âge. Sa carrière a débuté au sein d’une affaire familiale, le chantier naval Voisin à Villefranche-sur-Mer, à deux pas de Nice. Après avoir acquis une solide expérience et de fortes compétences dans l’entretien, la rénovation, la réparation et la construction de yachts, il a créé plusieurs entreprises, toutes ayant une activité relative à l’industrie du yachting dont FLYN-YACHTING. Il est en charge du management, des ventes et du département marketing de la société. 
Laurent Monsaingeon

Laurent Monsaingeon


After 15 years of navigation as a naval officer and a long-term experience in international engineering Laurent Monsaingeon managed the port of the CCI Nice Côte d'Azur: Nice, Villefranche-sur-Mer, Cannes and Golfe-Juan from 1996 to 2013. In 2015, he joined ECPY, the European Committee for Professional Yachting, as a Board Member and he led the team to create the ECPY Transport Agreement in 2017. In 2019, he created with Thierry Voisin FLYN-YACHTING for which he developped together, with his son Augustin the algorithms, databases and products (tax analysis, tables and charts, manual and automatic reports).

With his experience and expertise in navigation and taxation applied to charter and transport contracts, he guarantees the perfect conformity of the reports and certificates issued by FLYN-YACHTING, regarding the requirements of the tax and customs authorities.

Noémie Neilz

Noémie Neilz

Sale & Operations Manager

Noémie Neilz studied and worked in the high-end luxury hospitality industry before moving to the yachting industry. As VAT representative as well as having worked in a yachting association, she has gained a wealth of knowledge and experience in this sector. Noémie looks forward to assisting you this coming season.

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